Soccer is a contact sport, every season we see injuries ranging from sprains to brain injuries, and everything in between. This can be very costly; SC Youth Soccer has a policy that will cover your child. Unfortunately, most families carry a large deductible amount on their medical coverage, which means some families could be at risk of having a large bill to pay if their player sustains an injury. That is why SC Youth Soccer has arranged to offer this affordable coverage. For just over $30 a month, you can cover your child or children. Unfortunately, the insurance laws do not allow us to offer a child under 18 years of age their own policy so one adult would need to have the coverage along with the child or children, one price covers one adult and all children. THE POLICY COVERS ALL ACCIDENTS, NOT JUST SPORTS RELATED ACCIDENTS.
Jeanette is playing in her 10-U girls game Saturday morning after a night of constant rain, making the field very slick. There was a bad collision mid field and Jeanette ended up with an ankle injury. Luckily, her parents purchased the Preferred Accident Plan that SC Youth Soccer partnered with ManhattanLife to offer its members (including players, parents and siblings). Because of the Accident Policy they purchased, their family will receive a payment to help offset the high deductible from their medical health policy.

Here's a breakdown of the PAYMENT they received from ManhattanLife's Preferred Accident Plan:
Treatment | Payment |
ER Visit |
$200 |
X-Ray | $100 |
MRI | $200 |
Brace/Cast | $125 |
Doctor Visit | $150 |
Follow Up Visit | $400 ( Up to 8 Visits @ $50) |
Physical Therapy | $700 (Up to 10 Visits @ $70) |
Ligament Repair | $1,000 |
Total |
$2,875 |

Keith was playing in a 17-U tournament in Atlanta when there is a hard tackle made against him, causing a severe knee injury. Keith is taken by ambulance to the nearest ER only to find out he's torn his ACL and fractured a bone as well. Looks like it will be a long road to recovery. Luckily, Keith's parents purchased the additional Accident Policy through the partnership between SC Youth Soccer and ManhattanLife. The Accident Policy has money to help pay for the ambulance, the injuries, tests run, and 10 visits to physical therapy.
Here's a breakdown of the PAYMENT they received from ManhattanLife's Preferred Accident Plan:
Treatment | Payment |
Ambulance |
$200 |
ER Visit | $200 |
X-Ray | $100 |
MRI | $200 |
Doctor Visit | $150 |
Follow Up Visit | $400 ( Up to 8 Visits @ $50) |
Fracture Knee Cap | $300 |
Ligament/Tendon | $1,000 |
Physical Therapy | $700 (Up to 10 Visits @ $70) |
Total | $3,250 |
Jossalin is playing goalie in a State Cup game. She takes a bad hit and hits her head against the goalpost and collapses. She is taken by ambulance to the nearest ER. She is treated for a concussion. Jossalin's parents purchased the additional Accident Policy through the partnership between SC Youth Soccer and ManhattanLife. Now her family will have additional funds available to them to offset some of the ER costs and their deductible.

Here's a breakdown of the PAYMENT they received from ManhattanLife's Preferred Accident Plan:
Treatment | Payment |
ER Visit | $200 |
Doctor Visit | $150 |
Follow Up Visit | $400 (Up to 8 Visits @ $50) |
Concussion |
$200 |
Total | $950 |
The following statistics are from the National SAFE KIDS Campaign and the American Academy of Pediatrics and Standford Medical Children's Health:
How Frequently do sports injuries occur?
In the U.S., about 30 million children and teens participate in some form of organized sports, and more than 3.5 million injuries each year, which cause lost participation by athletes. Almost one-third of all injuries incurred in childhood are sports-related injuries, the most common of which, are by far sprains and strains.
Obviously, some sports are more dangerous than others. For example, contact sports such as football can be expected to result in a higher number of injuries than a non-contact sport such as swimming. However, all types of sports have a potential for injury, whether from the trauma of contact with other players or from strain of a body part.
Injury Rates:
- More than 3.5 million children ages 14 and younger get hurt annually playing sports or participating in recreational activities.
- Although death from a sports injury is rare, the leading cause of death from a sports-related injury is a brain injury.
- Sports and recreational activities contribute to approximately 21 percent of all traumatic brain injuries among American children.
- Almost 50 percent of head injuries, are sustained in sports or recreation activity
- More than 775,000 children, ages 14 and younger, are treated in hospital emergency rooms for sports-related injuries each year. Most of the injuries occurred as a result of falls, being struck by an object, collisions, and overexertion during unorganized or informal sports activities.
Where and When:
- The highest rates of injury occur in sports that involve contact and collisions
- More severe injuries occur during individual sports and recreational activities
- Most organized sports-related injuries (62 percent) occur during practice.
- Soccer can be a contact sport, every season we see injuries ranging from sprains to brain injuries and everything in between. This can be very costly.
PAID Enhanced
Personal Accident Indemnity Delivery
New Plan Benefits
- Urgent Care Facility
- Rehabilitation Unit- Admission
- Quadriplegia
- Ambulatory Surgical Center Facility and/or Outpatient Hospital Facility
- Physician Follow-Up Visits
- X-Ray
- Concussion
- Chiropractor Visits
- Paraplegia
- Coma
You're injured, you need emergency treatment, and you end up confined in the hospital for five days. "Accidents happen" the old saying goes. "You can't plan on them, but you can plan FOR them."
People call them accidents for a reason; they are unplanned and can happen to anyone at the most inopportune times.
When an accident affects your livelihood or that of a family member, having a plan for the unexpected can be invaluable. ManhattanLife Assurance's Personal Accident Indemnity Delivery product (PAID) can provide you with a vital piece of that plan. The PAID plan helps you pay for out-of-pocket expenses and provides benefits to you or your family for many of the accidents that can happen without warning.
Additionally, you can choose the coverage that works best for you with our 24-hour, or of-the-job only plan options. Eliglbe issue ages are 18-64, and the policy is guaranteed renewable until age 70.
Our plan pays benefits for Accidents, big and small.
Benefit Highlights Include:
- Accidental Death
- Hospital Admission and Confinement
- Intensive Care Unit
- Air and Ground Ambulance
- Emergency Room Treatment
- Burns
- Emergency Dental
- Lodging
- Transportation
- Surgery
- Physical Therapy
Also included are benefits for dislocations, fractures, dismemberment, eye injuries, and major diagnostics exams. Benefits are outlined below and the policy explains in detail any limitations and/or exclusions.
Product Features
- Helps you pay for out-of-pocket expenses
- 2 options: 24-hour, or off-the-job only
- Issue ages 18-64
- Guaranteed renewable to age 70, subject to our right to change premium rates
- Choose one or two units

Optional Annual Wellness Benefit Rider
$60 paid each year per covered person under the policy for any of the following examinations:
- Annual Physical Examination
- Dental Exam
- Mammogram
- Pap Smear
- Eye Examination
- Immunization
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopies
- PSA Test
- Ultrasounds
- Blood Screening Test
The policy must be in force 30 days before this benefit is payable.

If you would like to enroll now, please click the button below to open up our Self-Enrollment Platform.
Additionally, each icon below contains a link to our Easy upload in the accompanying platform. This is available on our Website, and on the Apple and Google Play Store.